“the shirt off his back…”
A Labor of Love
I didn't know Anselm, but, rather, came to "know" him through his music. I took the many cassette tapes that were discovered, imported the audio to my computer, performed all of the "sweetening," as it is called, and made the masters for the CDs that were produced a couple of years ago. He was such a versatile and creative composer. I was excited to work on the project and considered it a labor of love.
Art Vanick, August 2018
Fannie Lou Hamer Influences Anselm
“Anselm connected two parts of his life, his love of justice and
his love of music, and brought them together so that one of the
legacies he leaves us is a song that was inspired by Fannie Lou
Hamer in the deep South.”
The 1969 draft
“A poignant moment in the history of our country,”
Becky and Anselm Finally Face to Face
“...a short person in the biggest coat I have ever seen...”
"I fell down on my knees"
Moe talks about how Anselm impacted his students, and inspired their dedication and continue service to important social causes.
"You Smell Like Colorado!"
“He (Anselm) always was curious about life and he loved people and he always made you feel special.”